Key presenters

L to R: Prof. Raphael Koch, Ms. Judith Fox, Prof. Mijntje Lückerath-Rovers, Prof. Jean du Plessis, Mr. John Stanhope, Prof. Jane den Hollander, Ms. Janine Hills, Prof. Mirko Bagaric,
Prof. Beate Sjåfjell, Prof. Michael Adams, Mr. Peter Lamell

L to R: Prof. Raphael Koch, Prof. Peta Spender, Mr. John Stanhope,
Prof. Mijntje Lückerath-Rovers, Prof. Jean du Plessis, Prof. Beate Sjåfjell, Mr. Peter Lamell,
Ms. Janine Hills, Prof. Michael Adams
Video Sessions
Official Opening
Professor Jane den Hollander,
Vice-Chancellor and President,
Deakin University, Australia
Professor Jean du Plessis
Deakin University, Australia
Professor Mijntje Lückerath-Rover,
TiasNimbas Business School,
Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Board Diversity: More than a Gender Issue?
Professor Michael A Adams,
Dean of Law, School of Law,
University of Western Sydney, Australia
Key Themes and Issues Regarding Board Diversity and Mandatory Gender Quota Legislation
Ms. Judith Fox,
National Director,
Policy & Publishing,
Governance Institute of Australia
Panel discussion 1
Gender Quotas on Boards – Is it Time for Australia to Act?
Professor Peta Spender,
ANU College of Law,
Australian National University (ANU), Australia
Mandatory Gender Quota Legislation is Not the Way to Go
Mr. John Stanhope,
Chair, Australia Post
Board Gender Quotas in Germany and the EU: An Appropriate Way of Equalisation of Women and Men?
Professor Raphael Koch,
University of Augsburg,

Gender Diversity in the Board Room & Its Impacts:
Is the Example of Norway a Way Forward?
Prof. Beate Sjåfjell,
University of Oslo,
Panel discussion 2